I've started the "Read the Bible in a Year" plan again. Last year, I got through about March and by that time I was so far behind it was overwhelming. I'm a bit ahead of the game already this year.This year I will finish! But in the first couple of days I read through some verses and saw something I'd forgotten.
Genesis 1:11-12Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened. 12 The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.
Did you catch the purpose of the Fruit Bearing Trees and Plants? The purpose of the Fruit Bearing Trees and Plants is to produce Seed Bearing Fruit. Even though the seed is an inconvenience to us, as we are enjoying our delicious grapes, grapes without seeds cannot reproduce themselves. Fruit is not just meant to be enjoyed, but to eventually release a seed that produces new "Trees that produce Seed Bearing Fruit." It is what propagates future generations of trees and fruits of it's own kind.
Now, stick with me a bit longer....
Just as various plants produce their specific fruit and are known for the fruit they produce. People are also known for the specific "fruit" in their lives. This fruit is not tangible-edible food, but our character and actions as result of our character. Jesus teaches on this a bit in the New Testament (Matthew 7:17-20)...click on the link and see what He said...then come right back
Still trackin' with me????
The kind of fruit you produce in your life determines the type of seeds that are eventually released to propagate who you are and what you have. That "bitter-sweet" fruit you enjoy from time to time...anger, greed, lust, pride, destruction....they all have seeds just waiting to be released and reproduce itself. All seeds have a germination period. Some lie dormant for days, weeks, months, or even years before they stick their head up out of the dirt. You may not see the effect immediately, it could be months or years. You will see "seedlings" begin to sprout up in the lives of those that are closest to you...your spouse, your children, your co-workers. Your actions are "Seed Bearing Fruit, and WILL reproduce after it's own kind." What are you reproducing? What will your orchard look like...your legacy be?
Stop what your doing right now and do a fruit inspection. Better yet... take another step and have someone you trust inspect your fruit. Better still ask God to show you the bitter fruit in your life that you need to deal with and cut those trees down.
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