Saturday, October 07, 2006


Yes I know, the old saying "men don't cry". Well, whatever man came up that must not have been a daddy. I had a good tear session Thursday night as my sweet 8 MONTH old lil' girl burried her head in my chest fighting sleep. At one point she sat right up and gave me the biggest sleepy grin ever and then feel back on my chest quickly falling asleep. That lil grin sparked a wave of memories form the last 8 months followed by a little stream of tears down my cheeks. She has the most uplifting smile. No matter what is on my mind, the very moment our eyes meet and her mouth open; the only person in the world is her and nothing else matters. (YEP HERE THEY COME ~~...even as I type this) It has gone by so quick. Just yesterday she was comepletly helpless. Now she is siting by herself, feeding herself a little, and rolling all over the place. I even think I've heard dadadada in the midst of her babling and gooing. How precious is the gift that I have been given. I pray daily I never take it gift for granted.

(she's not really sitting her by herself I'm holding her up from behind)

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