2014 is a little over a month old and growing quickly into 2015. At the beginning of every year...every one sets resolutions and goals that they wish to announce to the world.
"This year I will........"
Reality is that by about March, most have given up on them and are planing to wait until the next year so they can start all over. To be honest I've never really been one to set a bunch of resolutions, if I have I didn't announce them. Too afraid of announcing my failure later on.
The last few weeks I have been contemplating what I'd like to accomplish this year. Most of the time when I set out to accomplish something I "usually get around to it". Sometimes it takes me longer than it should. Some say that's slow...I say it's steady.
There are a few things that I've put down that I want to accomplish this year...actually a couple of them I've set to accomplish before June. Then, by June, I plan to have a few more things I'd like to accomplish by December. So here goes my 2014 Plans.
- Welcome our third daughter into this world. (No backing out of this one. It's as good as finished)
- Read (at least) two books a month. - I go on reading spurts and droughts. I need to be more consistent and vary my reading. So I'm participating in a little challenge of Jon Acuff's called Empty Shelf Challenge. It's the second week of February and I'm already on my 4th book. I plan to start reviewing these books on here soon. This is also similar to Jon's reviews. What was the last inspiring book you read?
- Write at least two posts a month. - I used to write much more consistently.(I've mentioned that often too.) Since I am not speaking as much, I believe writing will be the best way to continue to improve and broaden my communication. Plus I plan to use #2 to help with content for posts.
- Actually finish the 1 Year Bible Plan on YouVersion. - Last year I made it to about March, and was about 2 weeks behind when I gave up. I'm actually a couple of days ahead of schedule so far, and have already experienced so many scriptures in new light. I also plan to use #3 to reveal what I learn through this.
- Get back in 5K shape AND finish at least one 5k under 29 minutes by June. - I'm tired of saying "I used to run"...but that motivation battles with what seems to be a stronger one..."I'm just tired." Seriously though, I miss the feeling I had after a good 90 minute run. Now I dread the feeling I have after a 90 second run. I'm not getting any younger and neither are my knees.
- Watch at least ONE good movie a month. - I find myself not wanting to "commit" to going to a movie because I don't want to spend the money or spend the time it takes to watch a movie at home. Instead I drink more Starbucks or flip through channels looking for something "interesting" to watch. I'd love some recommendations for this. My Netflix cue could always use another movie.
- Create and implement a better work/play schedule by June. - It's difficult to work hard when you're thinking about playing. It's also difficult to play hard when you're thinking about working. One of the reasons I think we all struggle to do this is we take "weekends"off. There is no mention of a weekend in scripture. There was A Sabbath DAY. We were meant to work 6 and FULLY rest ONE. Most of don't fully work so we can't fully rest, we're in constant flux. This means I have to set schedules, create reminders, make lists, prioritize, set boundaries, and focus. All of these are things that I've learned are not in my spiritual gifting or personality strengths. I'll let you know how the progress goes and what I learn.
Well that's my 2014 plan so far.
What are some of your plans? I'd love to hear.
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