Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Who get's the prize???

So Ella is jumping on the bed in our blue room when Jennifer calls me into the room, yelling "STEVEN...Ella needs you."

Usually when that call is made I normally know what is waiting my arrival. A diaper.

Jennifer is already in the room standing at the doorway. I join her. Ella is on the bed bouncing. We walk toward the bed as Ella bounces away from us into the corner.

"Ella did you poop your pants, " her mother asks.

"NO!" is our daughter's response with a high pitch and overly stressed long 'o.

"Come here let us see."

"NOOO! Don't get me"

"Ella did you poop, Please come here," I finally coax her over to the side of the bed. "Are you lying, did you poop?"

Convincingly, with her big blue eyes and a puckered lip she looks up and quietly says "no."

Routinely I turn her around and feel of her bottom. There's a small bulge on her bottom and I know she doesn't have a tail. "If you didn't poop then Ella, what is in your diaper......"

The blue eyes look up again and she grins....

"A prize."

How funny kids can be.
Thankfully, my teammate was willing to except the prize on my behalf.

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