Friday, September 05, 2008

I want to thank You

my prayer for today....

Psalms 119 1-8

Joyful are people of integrity who follow the instructions of the Lord
Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts.
They do not compromise with evil, and walk only in His paths.
You have charged us to keep Your commandments carefully
OH that my actions would CONSISTENTLY REFLECT your decrees.
Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands.
As I learn your righteous regulations, I WILL THANK YOU BY LIVING AS I SHOULD
I will obey your decrees

~ Amen

God doesn't want our words of thanks. He wants a life lived out of thankfulness by trying our best to do what is right. We'll never be perfect and we'll never figure it all out, but we should do our best to live out what we do know to right at this time....consistently. This oftentimes will have to be an intentional choice daily. So choose to reflect what you know and continue to learn what is holy and pleasing to your God and do your best to live it out. Don't worry if you fall...He won't give up on you....He never has.

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