Friday, August 08, 2008

My Grandchildren

I meant to get to this yesterday but didn't. In my quiet time yesterday I saw my grandchildren. I know it sounds weird. My wife believes the Lord will come back before then. But I know now that we we will have grandchildren. After reading this verse from Psalms I spent quiet some time on my face in worship of a God so good.

Psalms 103:17

"The Love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear Him.
His salvation extends to the children's children of those
who are faithful to His covenant,
of those who obey his commandments."

I didn't' see their face, but I sort of felt their spirit, their character. I know that they will serve Christ. I now know that my relationship with Christ and my obedience to His covenant not only effects me, but also my Ella, and also her children. That is YEARS from now, but the foundation has to be laid now. There is already evidence of our obedience and faithfulness in Ella as God is currently working in her and showing her things that I can only imagine.

I don't come from a family with generations of pastors. Not everyone in my family is a believer AND a follower. Some might even be considered wicked by biblical standards. (but I still love them). But I have had a great grandmother who loved and served God until her last breath. I know my Mom and grandmother have also prayed...but something inside me believes that the foundation for me began with her. My wifes grandfather who recently passed away was a minister and laid the foundation for her. And we are now passing that on to my daughter. God showed that His love is not only for me now, but forever within my family and will remain forever. Their salvation will be a reward for me and my obedience.

I recently had a conversation with a loved one, in that they don't believe you should make your children go to church. I must say that I agree, sort of. I believe that, if following Christ and growing in Him is important to you, then your children should see that and want that. Through that they should WANT to go to church. But if they don't then you still have a responsibility to raise them the best way that you know how. If you believe the best way includes going to church, then I believe you have responsibility to see to it that they go with you. In going you are not only planting seeds in their own life, but the lives of their children.

God doesn't have to reward me or my grandchildren that way. He chooses to because He loves me that much and because He loves my great grandmother that much. So think about this. Who you are and what you do not only effects you, or your children, but your children's children.

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