Thursday, July 17, 2008

PART 2 - empty chair or child's encounter with our Savior

If you haven't read my previous post. STOP right now and go read the one right below this one. In order for this to make sense you will need to read that one.........


Last night before service, I was taking Ella from the youth room down to the nursery so she could play with the kids. We get to the top of the same stairs we were at on Sunday Night, and Ella stops. She pointed to the chair where Jesus was sitting and told me, "Dat's where Jesus WAS sitting" Not He's there...but WAS. She remembered the experience, remembered where he was, but also recognizes the fact that something is different, that Jesus is not there now. Not only did she tell me, but also two other people on two other separate occasion without being asked.

I FULLY believe that my lil' Ella saw our Savior when I could not. Call me crazy or whatever else you want to. You could call me jealous if you want and that would fit.

God truly has his hand on my daughter and has shown her favor. I know she has been chosen for a great purpose and I pray she recognizes that.

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