Monday, May 26, 2008

Thunder, Lightning, Rain, and a cup of coffee

I had planned on working outside today. Cleaning out gutters, planting a couple of more bedding plants, and mulching my current flower beds. However that didn't happen. I got the gutters cleaned out right before the next thundershower. My plans were spoiled. I hurried to get the bags of mulch in the dry, the plants out of the back of the truck, and all my yard tools back up. Then the sky opened up and it began to rain.

I was soaked and dirty from being on the roof. Hopping it would soon let up, I grabbed a chair and sat under the carport waiting until I could get back to work. I sat for a couple of moments and then decided this was a good time for cup of coffee. So there I sat, waiting for the rain to break.

The sky grew darker and darker. The rain got heavier and heavier. Thunder and Lighting soon made their appearance. The wind picked up spraying the rain to where I was sitting dampening my clothes even more. The thunder was seamless stitched together with flashes of lightening. I closed my eyes. It was sensory overload. The feel of the spray and wind. The
sound of thunder and wind. The glow of the lightning, even through my closed eyelids. It was great.

It has been a long time since I have sat outside during a thunderstorm. I followed bubbles and leaves as they floated down the tiny streams and rivers in my yard. I imagined what it would be like to be an ant on one of the leaves carried away by the current of the tiny streams. I wondered how long a "rain bubble" would last before it was popped by a falling brother. I was enjoying every moment....but still...something inside of me was getting impatient, tired of sitting and waiting. Part of me wanted to get back to work or go inside and turn on the TV or check my email, myspace, facebook, ebay, youtube, and checking account. Part of me wanted to stay and continue this experience. I stayed. I stayed and noticed the springtime miracle of a Thunderstorm. Several hours's still raining.

Job 37: 1-14

"At the sound of his thunder, my heart pounds as if it will jump out of my chest. Listen! Listen to the thunder of God's voice and to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. He turns his lightning loose under the whole sky and sends it to the farthest parts of the earth. After that you can hear the roar when he thunders with a great sound. He does not hold back the flashing when his voice is heard. God's voice thunders in wonderful ways; he does great things we cannot understand. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the shower, 'Be a heavy rain.' With it, he stops everyone from working so everyone knows it is the work of God. The animals take cover from the rain and stay in their dens. The storm comes from where it was stored; the cold comes with the strong winds. The breath of God makes ice, and the wide waters become frozen. He fills the clouds with water and scatters his lightning through them. At his command they swirl around over the whole earth, doing whatever he commands. He uses the clouds to punish people or to water his earth and show his love."

Job, listen to this: " Stop and notice God's miracles."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had this time on Mon. I know how much you need it and want it. I love how God speaks to you.

Makes me very proud to be your wife and friend.