Monday, February 11, 2008

A teenager's thoughts on "Being 3rd"

Teenagers never cease to amaze me. At times I think "They'll never get it." Then every once in a while, God speaks to them and through them. Amazing. Here is one thought from one of my 11th grade girls from Hardin County, Cierra. Brilliant!

Lately, I have been doing a lot of contemplating, so you know that means I would write about it. Ha. but anyways...

Today, in our generation I feel as though when people get into relationships they put that significant other 1st in their lives and I've determined that is why so many things change. Not just because they found someone to devote their attention to, but they are putting them before everything; Family, their other friends, school, job, and most importantly...God.

I for one have never had a boyfriend. Yes, I have liked people & "talked" to people, but nothing seems to work. They always say I am too busy or what not, but I don't think they realize that God is number 1 one my life and then my family. People can't grasp the idea of that and that's the order I want to be, also.

Now, don't get me wrong. I want to be a priority in a special someone's life, but not to the extreme where they are putting me before God. When I find a man willing to do so, than things will happen. So many times I have tried to make things happen & I've realized I have been all wrong. If God is first in their lives, along with mine then things will fall into place and work out, because we both love him & our willing to sacrifice that.

(Psalms 128:1-4 Blessed is every one that fears the Lord; that walks in His ways. For you shall eat the labor of your hands: happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you.)

A lot of girls today & guys actually want to be number 1 in the others lives...just to think of it that way is so selfish, if you ask me. Did that girl or boy create you & give you life? Has that girl or boy forgiven you of all your sins & promised you "eternity"? Boyfriends & Girlfriends are just things of temporary means...If your partner isn't living right or for God...they aren't gonna be up there in heaven with you anyways, so think of all the wasted time.

I am not trying to condemn anyone, theses are just thought about my relationships and life personally...It may just sound silly to you, but it's how I feel.

So, maybe I am not suppose to be with anyone while I am in high school if they are not willing to put God & their family before me? Then that is how it will be. I am going to wait patiently by for God to work his magic. God knows the desires of my heart & knows a special person for me. Why should I force things upon myself & just make me unhappy when God has everything planned out. It just takes a lot of trust, patience, & faith...Things we hope and pray for, we do in our time, but answers come from God's time...But in the end if you ask is worth it.

(Romans 8:28; We know in all things, God works for the good of those who LOVE him!)

I encourage any of you who are in a relationship, about to be in one, or still just waiting, to check yourself...Is God first in your life? Is your man or woman putting you after Him like they should?

(Proverbs 16:3; Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed!)

To sum it all up...WAIT for that not get in such a hurry, ya know? What's meant to be will happen.

One of my best friends Emily found this scripture too...The gazelle part does not make sense, but the last part is awesome!!

(Songs of Solomon 3:5; 5 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you; by the gazelles and by the doves of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.)

& one more for the heck of it :-)

(Proverbs 31:30 Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain. But a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised.)

---Thanks for reading!----

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