Friday, February 08, 2008


Just watched an intriguing movie called Evening about life, love, mistakes, enjoying what you have, and living with no regrets. If you watch it be prepared to be disturbed and sort of recharged at the same time. Weird yet thoughtful movie.

After the movie I carried my dog out to do her business. When I came back in Jennifer was asleep holding Ella sleeping in her arms. The flickering light of the TV was causing their skin to glow just a little. I stood over them and just watched them breath and then Ella kind of snuggled under he mom's chin. I realized just how much in love I am with the both of them. At about that time Maggie nudged my leg and looked up as if asking..."what about me?". You always know you love your family, BUT there are times when you heart just seems to explode out your eyes and you wish you could just make time stand still for just a while. Maybe capture it permanently in the recesses of your mind...That was the type of simple moment I just had. It reminded me of the song/video I used the first time I ever "preached" in "big church". I've enjoyed this "evening."

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