Thursday, February 28, 2008

Free From Fear

Last night I spoke to my group about not being afraid of people. The majority of our mess-ups / mistakes / and trouble we get into happens because we are afraid to be truthful with those we are with. Either because we are afraid of what they will think of us or do to us or we are afraid we will hurt them.

I was listening to Jason Upton on his internet Radio station and in between worship songs he tells a story. The story he tells is about a comment his dad made to him in regards of being afraid of man.

"To be be free from the fear of man is to tell the truth."

How powerful is that statement!?! How often do we cover our feelings or disguise the truth because we are afraid to face the person with truth and stand for what we believe to be right? So instead... we pretend. We pretend to be someone we're not and passively agree with something we actually disagree with. If you can look a person straight in the eye and always be honest with them about them and yourself - you have nothing to be afraid of. And not only that you are proving your sincere love for them. Trust me though...I, in no way have this down to a Science but plan to make every effort to not be afraid any more.

Proverbs 29:25
Being afraid of people will get you in trouble,
but trusting in the Lord will keep you safe.

Check the video - feel the emotion - now stand and stop pretending.
If you don't have this CD you need to go get it.

Foo Fighters-The Pretender

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be who God meant for us to be
does not come without fear but
to walk within it, with HIM to show you and other HIS power and HIS glory.
The fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom..
Wisdom, is knoweledge, with understanding, and truth along with application.
Always test the sprits to know the
truth and , and study the Master's word to show yourself approved, so that which you may share will not be as pearls thrown down
to swine and trampled
With great Love for Our Lord and
A sister in

who you are will be acce