Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just Driving Through

I live in a small town. You see most of the same cars at least once a day if not more often. You begin to recognize the people in the car and by their car. It's easy to know where people are at if you know their car.

On my way home for lunch today, I met my mom. She was in her car turning into a gas station and I was on the way to my house. We honked and waved at each other as we passed. I've passed or met her while driving several times before...but for some reason, this time was a bit different. I really can't explain why. It just seemed strange to be passing the person who was once so nervous to even let me drive at all as a teenager.

Now I have a life that is still and will always be connected to her, but still a life of my own apart from her. A wife, child, house, job, and car of my own. I know it must be strange, joyful, scary, exciting, sad, reminiscent, and basically unexplainable for her too, to see me. The little one she kept safe in the back seat of her car for so in the Driver seat of not just his own car but his own life. I've had a couple of wrecks and tickets on the road and in life...but over all I hope she's impressed with my "driving."

One day I know I'll be sitting a red light or turning in somewhere and there will be my little one out of my back seat and in her front seat. How strange that will be!?!

Thanks for loving me mom and letting me drive!

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