Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm gonna get some... Satisfaction

As I sit and type this I am enjoying my final cup or two of coffee (whatever is left in the pot) until after Easter. The last two years I have given up coffee for Lent as my sacrifice. This year our Pastor has challenged our church body to take part in the Daniel Fast, starting tomorrow after lunch and continuing for the next 21 days. (Then I will continue without coffee until Easter) In a nutshell the Daniel Fast, is a partial fast consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. NO sweets or sugars of any kind, no COFFEE, caffeinated or unnaturally sweetened drinks. NO fried foods, no buttered foods, breads, or meats of any kind. Just the fruits and veggies. This 180 degree turn in diet will probably be one of my biggest challenges ever.

The only veggies I eat include: Potatoes with butter or FRIED, okra FRIED, squash FRIED, white and brown beans, black eyed peas, and Sour Kraut (even though its really cabbage). NO SALAD! My fruity friends include: apples, bananas, grapes, and raisins only on occasion. Thankfully the fast allows Natural Peanut Butter which will be added to whatever I can smear it on. In addition, Honey is my one commodity which brings back GREAT memories of my childhood visits to Granny's where we would sit most mornings sipping coffee and eating honey on our toast. But still, the initial thought of this drastic change in diet sickened me to the core.

As I prayed, studied, and prepared to speak to my teenagers about fasting, my attitude began to change. I am now VERY excited and focused in that my drastic change in diet could result in a drastic change of heart! I am very happy with my life, I am married to my beautiful high school sweetheart, I have a charming heart breaker baby girl, FREE housing and utilities, and an amazing group of teenagers that I've been fortunate to mentor; however there are still parts of my life that are at times, unsatisfying and disappointing. It's in those times that I find myself searching for satisfaction in a new technology gizmo (the Wii is pretty amazing), a new Movie or reality TV show, good music, or maybe just some good old fashion junk food. It works for a moment...but still never fully satisfies. I'm sure I share this routine with many of you. So what do we do? Read More? Pray More? Do More? I guess I'm eating Lentils for dinner!

For the next 21 days there will be no more bread on my plate, but I hope to eat more from the One who gives the Bread of Life. I hope that in denying myself the instant gratification that quickly fades, the delayed gratification that comes with this sacrifice and His Presence will be eternal. I'm ready to feel a deeper connection to my Creator. I'm ready to find clarity of direction for a few areas in my life. I'm ready to feel a rekindled passion for my purpose in this small town of mine. I'm ready to give up these few tasteful commodities over the next few days for a taste of something better, something that satisfies. What satisfies you?

Isaiah 55:1-2 (NCV)
The Lord says, "All you who are thirsty,
come and drink.
Those of you who do not have money,
come, buy and eat!
Come buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend your money on something that is not real food?
Why work for something that doesn't really satisfy you?
Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good;
your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies.

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