Saturday, July 22, 2006

Be on the Mountain...

I went this past Monday to see/hear Rob Bell, the Teaching Pastor of Mars Hill Bible Community in Grand Rapids Michigan. I have been a fan of his since I heard him in Atlanta 3 years ago. I've listened to him online and read some of his book, Velvet Elvis. The guy is amazing, a genious. He spoke for 1 hour and 45 minutes and it seemed like only 30. Not to mention he didn't have the 1st sign of notes...he spoke all from the head and heart...

The thing that has stuck with me the most is probably the last 20 minutes. In it he explained the story of when God called Moses to go up onto the mountain. The Hebrew translation of that story states that God called Moses to go up onto the mountain and be on the mountain. How redundant is that, right? Actually, God knew that once Moses worked and sweated his way up to the top of the mountain....He would be wondering how he was going to get down of the mountain, and NEVER FULLY be on the mountain. That is how we are...especially when we are busy...

When I am at home I am thinking about the work that has to be done in the office or an event I have coming up...BUT...when I'm in the office finishing that work, I am feeling guilty for not being home.
So exactly where am I? Am I where my body is or where my thoughts are?

In order to fully be in one place and be able to give ourselves to the people we are with at that moment we have to be fully present in both body(obviously) AND thought. To do this we have to take days when the phone is unplugged/off/broken and the only thought is of the ones who are in our presence at that moment...NOT the work that is only waiting us.

This sounds easy right!?-----WRONG!

I am probably the worlds worst at this no matter how hard I try, there is always a shadow of a thought of something that I have to or haven't yet done. I need to be on the mountain.

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