Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Today has been possible the most difficult day of my life. Heck the last 4 days have been the most difficult ever. Today we laid to rest my great-grandmother. “Granny” has been the rock and foundation of our family. She is the seed that brought forth my life and the life of a family so big and beautiful that words can’t describe.

It’s funny how emotions can change in an instant. One minute I’m laughing and the next I am so overcome with grief that I can barely breathe. It’s even crazier how quickly our lives, that seem so stable at times, can change in an instant. One minute, my wife and I are finishing a birthing class in preperation for our new life. The very next minute we are in a hospital room giving last words of thanks and encouragement to my grandmother as she passes from this life. Life truly is a vapor…here one minute gone the next. It’s painful, it’s joyous, and it’s totally ironic.

As I fulfilled my final promise to “Granny” today, by speaking at her funeral, I used a verse that we often read in an optimistic light. Jesus told us that He came that we might have life and have it to the full and more abundantly. Life is full of experiences both good and bad, both rewarding and disappointing. We can’t truly experience one without the other. There would be no reason for joy if there were no pain, no need for smiles if there were no frowns, no need for laughter if there were no tears, and there is no life without death. Thankfully we experience them all. If we only experienced the good things it would only be a half life. But we are promised a life to the fullest and more abundantly.

I’m terribly distraught at the passing of MY Granny, but at the same time I am proud that she lived the last of her 93 years independently and without suffering, I am excited about the final rest and peace that she has now, and extremely thankful for the time that I had with her. Through her….. My life has been made more abundant.

I guess there will always be times like these where we learn to live again, times like these we learn to give again, and times like these we learn to Love again! Filling our life with abundance!


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