Wednesday, November 30, 2005

True North

In my journey through the Prayer Labyrinth I came to a second station. A station that would allow me to see just how unfocused my life can be. On the floor was map of the world and in my hand was a compass that was pointing true north. I would be able to navigate my way around with just about any map as long as I knew which was north. I set the compass on the map and the direction of the needle did not change.

I was then instructed to move a couple of magnets around the compass as is sat on the map. The needle no longer pointed true north but was now straining to point to whichever magnet was closest creating a new false north. The needle spun around as spun the magnets around the compass. But once I moved the magnets back over to the side of the map and away from the compass, the needle returned to its original direction, True North.

Our lives are like the compass. We are created to point in one Direction. We are created to point to the One True North, the One True God. Our hearts are created to point toward Him, and our lives should be guided by His direction.

BUT, just as the magnets drew the needle away from True North and toward a new False North; we allow “magnets” into our own lives that distract us and take our focus of God. Whether relationships, jobs, entertainment, family, or finances; when these False Norths begin to take priority in our lives they strainingly distract us from the Direction we should be facing and the direction we should be going.

This station allowed met to see the things that I thought were important, but were actually taking my focus of My God. I often try to guide myself by what I do, how I do it, and what I have, and it sends me spinning like the compass strained by magnets. I want (need) my compass to point TRUE NORTH so, even if I don’t know where I’m going, I know I’m going in the right Direction.

Where is your compass pointing?

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