Life is AWSOME. It is just amazing that we have the ability to create life. I'm going to be a dad. It's finally starting to sink in. I'm going to be a dad. Someone is going to look to me for advice, for safety, for love. In this book I've been reading, Becoming a Dad, the authors relate our relationships with our children to God's relationship with us. Through parenting, God gives us the opportunity to experience everything He experiences with us, as His children. The love, the joy, and the heartache. His love for us, is mirrored in the love we have for our children. But no matter how much I already love my daughter, it is only a dim reflection of how great His Love for Me is. As my the love for my daughter grows, I feel the understanding of God's love for me growing. MAN! Life is Awsome. I'm going to be a dad!
If you're thinking about becoming a dad, in the process of, or already are, you have got to read
Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
~~Jeremiah 1:5
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