Monday, April 07, 2014

Empty Bookshelf #5 : I Was Broke Now I'm Not

Title: I was Broke Now I'm Not

Author: Joseph Sangl

What It's About: Joseph is literally your "Average Joe" who got tired of getting in debt, getting out of debt, getting in debt, and getting out of debt again. This is Jo's story and advice of how he was able to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and is now helping others do the same.

Why Did I Read It: Realisticaly... we were hosting a video driven workshop by Jo that coencided with the book and I read it just to be able to better facilitate the workshops.

Favorite Idea:  The main premise of the book is that most people need a motivator to be able to get debt free and manage their money. Our dreams should be our motivator, because it takes money to fund those dreams. He encourages the reader to take control of their finances so that they can accomplish their dreams. So many people miss out on their dreams because they are unable to fund them, and they live with regrets.

Favorite Quote: He recommends getting a new insurance " quote" ever 2-3 years. (Pun intended) I have never considered doing that, and have pretty much been with the same company since I started driving. To be honest I don't know if I could  switch companies....well....because I don't have the 'cleanest' driving record. (Don't judge me...)

Opinion:There is not a lot of new information out there on getting out of debt. There are NO over night tricks or gimmicks. It boils down to having a plan and then staying committed to the plan.  This book wasn't unlike anything else I've read from Dave Ramsey or any other financial guru. It was a good quick read and good reminder.  HOWEVER the "wildly popular website"  IwasbrokeNowI' is FULL of useful tools and articles tha are worth checking out. The budget spreadsheet is one of the best I've ever seen and definitely the easiest I've seen to follow.  I use it now.

...Didn't take a picture of my bookshelf...again because I've already given this one away....having a hard time getting my bookshelf full.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Carry the Cup

It was a PARTY and Jesus was there celebrating the vows of a newly wed couple. Then the unthinkable happens....they run out of "beverages." What is a party without beverages.......

 Don't Answer!

Jesus' mother insists that he do something to help them out. Reluctantly he finally agrees to do a little something to help keep the party going. Jesus' mother instructs the servants to "Do whatever he tells you." They did just as Jesus instructed and filled some containers with nearly 180 gallons of water and then filled a couple of cups with the water  and gave it to the planner of the party. This is where we pick up in John 2:9

When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew), he called the bridegroom over. 10 “A host always serves the best wine first,” he said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!”
Go back and read that again and think about the part I put in bold.   The servants knew what was going on. They had the inside scoop of what had just happened. Everyone else was amazed and couldn't understand it...but since they had been obedient servants and followed instructions they got to be a catalyst in Jesus' first miracle.

We all have the opportunity to be a catalyst of the next miracle Jesus wants perform when we do exactly what he tells us....And then, we can have the inside scoop, when everyone else is astonished and amazed not knowing where the miracle came from ... Jesus' servant, of course, know!

Sometimes the most insignificant act has the MOST significant impact.
  •  Write an encouraging note.
  •  Leaving your change in a vending machine. (I've done this for years, because as a kid I used to get so excited when I found change in a vending machine.)
  •  Open the door for someone as you go in/out of  a store...and stay there as crowds pass.
  •  Leave a little extra in the tip with a note.
  •  Help pre-bus your table at a restaurant by stacking all the dishes for the server.
  •  Compliment someone...but don't be creepy. 
  •  Pay for someone's meal at the drive through.
  • Let someone in front of you at the check out line.

Don't worry about the outcome...that's up to Him..   
all He's asking you to do is... 




Monday, March 17, 2014

Empty Shelf #4 : Man's Search for Meaning

Title: Man's Search for Meaning

Author: Victor Frankl

What It's About: Victor is an Austrian Psychologists, and founder of Logo-therapy,  who survived the Nazi Concentration Camps. Through his former education, personal camp experiences, observation of fellow camp mates and former patients, Victor finds that most of our mental and emotional states are formed by our sense of purpose and meaning in life. He states we can find meaning and purpose of our existence in even the worst circumstances.  He found that those that survived the concentration camps were not the physically strong or seemingly emotional stable, but the ones who were able to introspectively look at where they have been, where they were at, and where they could one day be.

Why Did I Read It: I have had the book for a while and decided it was time to read it...especially after it was mentioned in the previous book I read.

Favorite Idea:  We discover meaning in life in three different ways: 1) by creating a work or doing a good deed; 2)by experiencing something or encountering someone; and 3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering. He explains how he leaned on all three to give meaning to his life even in the worst of days while a prisoner.

Favorite Quote: "We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

Opinion: This is a heavy/deep read BUT everyone should read this book! Everyone of us, at points, think we are in a rough season and doubt the  meaning of our life.  Even in the worst of situations we still have reason and purpose.  There is still something OR someone one we must carry on for.

I know in this picture there are only two books...that's because I've already given away a couple of the books that I've read!  Pass it on!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Empty Shelf Book #3: Eleven Rings

Title: Eleven Rings - The Soul of Success

Author: Phil Jackson

What It's About: Phil Jackson is the most successful coach in NBA history with 11 rings. This is the behind the scene look at how he coached 3 of the most prolific players in history and lead their respective teams to become two of greatest teams. It highlights his spiritual upbringing, current spiritual pursuit, his leadership style and tactics, and team management.

Why Did I Read It: I was a HUGE Jordan and Bulls fan in the 90's. Creating, building, and developing teams as well as coaching others to grow is a large part of what I do. I wanted to see how the greatest NBA coach was able to do it so successfully with so many differing personalities, skill sets, and skill levels.

Favorite Idea: Success of a team can be viewed by the selfishness or selfless of it's members. In order to accomplish something great individuals must "bench" their desire to be great themselves and be a great team. There were many references to Tribal Leadership and how individuals must put the tribes before themselves. I have added it to my reading list for the year.  I was shocked at how much individualized coaching he did for each player and even gave them a personalized book assignment at mid-season that ranged from the book of Proverbs to The Art of War.

Favorite Quote: "God does not have any grandchildren." Even though this wasn't a direct tie to the overall leadership theme of the book it addressed Phil trying to reconcile his parents legalistic religious upbringing and his search for something greater.

Opinion:  Great book! I knew Phil was a Buddhist, but was super shocked to find that his parents were Pentecostal Pastors. Their  view on Christianity definitely played a role in his disconnect with "the faith of his parents." It has some great leadership nuggets on balancing expectations, personalities, goals, and outcomes. As an added bonus, my copy is supposedly signed by Phil Jackson.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chase your dreams like a snail

Having kids in the house limits what we watch.  As a result my TV viewing consists mostly of Disney, Pixar, and, DreamWorks. Anything else has to wait until they are asleep in bed. To be honest... my bedtime falls pretty closely after their's and I've not the strength to start a movie. (You can laugh but one day you will understand.)

However sometimes we do get a hold of a good one.We found a gem of a movie with Turbo. Yes, I know it's about a racing snail and nothing could seem sillier... but it is an awesome story of pursuing your dreams no matter how big, scary,unbelievable, or absurd. Plus Snoop Dogg and Samuel Jackson make for a couple of pretty amazing snail voices.

The movie is simply about a snail who wishes he could race in the Indy 500. (It doesn't get any simpler than that.) That race would normally take him decades to complete, but by chance he gets sucked into a the Nitros tanks of a street racer that transforms him into one fast "escargot"... (You like that?) Against the discouragement of his brother and "garden-mates" he pursues his dream with his new found ability. Not as a car, but a s a "snail."  The quote at the end of the trailer is a is a great reminder of how we can make the most of the ability we have been given.

Take a minute and answer these questions and take the next step in pursuing your dreams. 
1. What ability/gift would you regret loosing? What is it that you wish you could spend more time doing?

2. What is holding you back?

3. What one thing would you do today, if you knew tomorrow you would never have that ability again?

Empty Shelf Book #2: Eat That Frog

Title: Eat That Frog: 21 Ways to Stop  Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

Author: Brian Tracy

What It's About: The Sub-title pretty much tells you what it's about. Brian gives 21 tips to help you get more things done and a more efficient way. He compares the things that we procrastinate doing to the fear of eating a frog. We procrastinate because we are afraid to fail. Sometimes we just have to do it and get it over with.

Why I Read It: I am needing to grow in the area of productivity. I have always had a issues from time to time with prioritizing and time management AND procrastination.

Favorite Idea: Personal Planning is NOT just a one time thing. It is process that has to take place every evening after your day ends and every morning before your day begins. You have to be intentional planning your day and guarding it. You have to recognize your strengths and play to them as well as recognize your weaknesses and improve them. All the while delegating the things that someone else can do and focusing on the things that only you can do.

Favorite Quote: "It is the Quality of time at work that matters. It is the Quantity of time at home that matters."

Opinion: There really wasn't any new information in this for me. Really the most important things we need to know we need to be reminded of often. I like how he breaks it down into "bite" size pieces. Also at the end of each chapter he gives you a couple of action steps to take.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Empty Shelf Book #1: Jesus Is___: Find a new way to be human

Author: Judah Smith: Pastor of City Church in Seattle Washington

What It’s About: How we view and relate to the Jesus, who He is, how He lived, and what He did influences how we view ourselves and relate to others.

Why I Read It: I have been listening to Judah for years and I really just wanted to read this book.

Favorite Idea: Scripture tells us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. When we mess up He doesn’t get up as if our actions have caught Him off guard. He knows everything about us; the faults we see in ourselves and even the ones we don’t or can’t see. That doesn’t change His opinion of us or what He has done for us.

Favorite Quote: The devil is a liar. Sin is defeated. God is for us, Jesus is with us, and His grace is sufficient.

Opinion: It is a fun, easy read, full of Judah’s personal illustrations and anecdotes in relation to how he views Scripture. His insight is encouraging and inspiring. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

My 2014 Plans

2014 is a little over a month old and growing quickly into 2015. At the beginning of every year...every one sets resolutions and goals that they wish to announce to the world.

"This year I will........"

Reality is that by about March, most have given up on them and are planing to wait until the next year so they can start all over. To be honest I've never really been one to set a bunch of resolutions, if I have I didn't announce them. Too afraid of announcing my failure later on.

The last few weeks I have been contemplating what I'd like to accomplish this year. Most of the time when I set out to accomplish something I "usually get around to it". Sometimes it takes me longer than it should. Some say that's slow...I say it's steady. 

 There are a few things that I've put down that I want to accomplish this year...actually a couple of them I've set to accomplish before June. Then, by June, I plan to have a few more things I'd like to accomplish by December. So here goes my 2014 Plans.
  1. Welcome our third daughter into this world. (No backing out of this one. It's as good as finished)
  2. Read (at least) two books a month. - I go on reading spurts and droughts. I need to be more consistent and vary my reading. So I'm participating in a little challenge of Jon Acuff's called Empty Shelf Challenge. It's the second week of February and I'm already on my 4th book. I plan to start reviewing these books on here soon. This is also similar to Jon's reviews. What was the last inspiring book you read? 
  3. Write at least two posts a month. - I used to write much more consistently.(I've mentioned that often too.) Since I am not speaking as much, I believe writing will be the best way to continue to improve and broaden my communication. Plus I plan to use #2 to help with content for posts.
  4. Actually finish the 1 Year Bible Plan on YouVersion. - Last year I made it to about March, and was about 2 weeks behind when I gave up. I'm actually a couple of days ahead of schedule so far, and have already experienced so many scriptures in new light. I also plan to use #3 to reveal what I learn through this.
  5. Get back in 5K shape AND finish at least one 5k under 29 minutes by June. - I'm tired of saying "I used to run"...but that motivation battles with what seems to be a stronger one..."I'm just tired." Seriously though, I miss the feeling I had after a good 90 minute run. Now I dread the feeling I have after a 90 second run. I'm not getting any younger and neither are my knees.
  6. Watch at least ONE good movie a month. - I find myself not wanting to "commit" to going to a movie because I don't want to spend the money or spend the time it takes to watch a movie at home. Instead I drink more Starbucks or flip through channels looking for something "interesting" to watch. I'd love some recommendations for this. My Netflix cue could always use another movie.
  7. Create and implement a better work/play schedule by June. - It's difficult to work hard when you're thinking about playing. It's also difficult to play hard when you're thinking about working. One of the reasons I think we all struggle to do this is we take "weekends"off. There is no mention of a weekend in scripture. There was A Sabbath  DAY. We were meant to work 6 and FULLY rest ONE. Most of don't fully work so we can't fully rest, we're in constant flux. This means I have to set schedules, create reminders, make lists, prioritize, set boundaries, and focus. All of these are things that I've learned are not in my spiritual gifting or personality strengths. I'll let you know how the progress goes and what I learn.

Well that's my 2014 plan so far.

What are some of your plans? I'd love to hear.