Title: Eat That Frog: 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Author: Brian Tracy
What It's About: The Sub-title pretty much tells you what it's about. Brian gives 21 tips to help you get more things done and a more efficient way. He compares the things that we procrastinate doing to the fear of eating a frog. We procrastinate because we are afraid to fail. Sometimes we just have to do it and get it over with.
Why I Read It: I am needing to grow in the area of productivity. I have always had a issues from time to time with prioritizing and time management AND procrastination.
Favorite Idea: Personal Planning is NOT just a one time thing. It is process that has to take place every evening after your day ends and every morning before your day begins. You have to be intentional planning your day and guarding it. You have to recognize your strengths and play to them as well as recognize your weaknesses and improve them. All the while delegating the things that someone else can do and focusing on the things that only you can do.
Favorite Quote: "It is the Quality of time at work that matters. It is the Quantity of time at home that matters."
Opinion: There really wasn't any new information in this for me. Really the most important things we need to know we need to be reminded of often. I like how he breaks it down into "bite" size pieces. Also at the end of each chapter he gives you a couple of action steps to take.
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