Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Be Naked

I'm in the midst of a new series with our student ministry called, Be Naked. I've actually had this concept swimming in my head since January, but just now getting around to teaching it. A phrase used today to describe this thought is living transparently. But I think Naked gives us a much more vivid mental picture. How do you picture someone transparent?

The concept is simply this.

Adam and Eve were created Naked and Unashamed. Because of their sin they became Ashamed of themselves and their sin. So they covered themselves with leaves. Because of their fear of God they hid from Him amongst the trees (where they got the leaves.) (GENESIS 2 & 3)

Being human our lives mimic this cycle

We sin, mess up, and fall short and are ashamed of what we have done. We try to cover it up the best we know how with lies,smiles, and religious routine. Often in ways that are fake and temporary much like a leaf.

We are afraid of people seeing our sin and us this way so we hide ourselves in activities, excuses, even more sin separating us from others and God.

...The thing is, we can't hide from God. We can't hide our issues from Him (Hebrews 4:13). And when we try to cover ourselves and our mistakes we are no longer who God created us to be. The weight and worry of being discovered or seen naked by Him and others prevents us from living in the freedom Christ bought for us on the cross.

There are things that we can do to Get Naked and Stay Naked before God and others.
  • Confess Your Mess - It's a bit like stripping and just as uncomfortable
  • Be Honest - Keeps the clothes/leaves off
  • Be Obedient - Prevents the need to re-dress, cover up, or hide
If we can integrate this simple concept in our lives, how much more drama free would it be? How much more confidence would we have about ourselves. If we can just be comfortable in our own skin.

What are you trying to cover up? Who are you hiding from? Can you Be Naked and unashamed?

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