Friday, February 06, 2009


For the past couple of weeks one of my 7th graders has brought this to me getting me to play along with the game.......
(you recognize it don't you.)

I don't even remember what they are called. I just remember NOT being able to make them in school when everyone else could. It's a origami puzzle of sort with a series of choices. Each choice leads to another choice until your future had been decided. Would you live in a house or a shack? Would you drive a Porsche or a Yugo? Would you marry Jennifer or Jessica? Luckily I married Jennifer.

Last night at the David Crowder Band show, Darren English, spoke a line in his message that caught my ear. "You make your choices now...but later the choices you've made make you." Our life plays out much like the little origami fortune puzzle above. Each choice leads to another and another and another, until the multitude of choices we have made have created the person we are now. We are often able to recognize those really important decisions, while other ones sneak by disguised as minor ones. Whether we recognize them as important choice moments - every decisions made pulls us away or pushes toward the person God intends us to be with the future He intended us to have.

"You make your choices now...but later the choices you've made make you."

One day will we all meet are Creator face to face. Will He recognize you as the person He intended you to be.

Joel 3:14
Thousands upon thousands are waiting in the valley of decision.
There the day of the Lord will soon arrive.


Vince Farrell said...

good thoughts!!!
I call it the principle of the path....Psalms 7:6-13
Attention determines direction, direction determines destination.

I wish you posted a link on how to make one of those....I was wanting to show Emma one and play it with her just the other day!!! So funny you mention it!

Kelly Ashlyn. said...

Hey just thought I'd comment a blog of yours...I remember those cootie catchers. I didn't finish the whole thing yet, but I will tomorrow. (i'm supposed to be in bed) C ya sometime! ~Kelly