Saturday, August 23, 2008

Political Views

I don't really "do" politics. I shy away from any type of serious discussion, debates, or even conversations. I think it's a little silly how some people get all bent out of shape when you begin to talk politics and they begin heavily defending the parties representative like they were family. To be honest I'm not real sure where either individual stands on most topics. I know John McCain is Republican and I know mostly what they stand for. I know Barack Obama is a Democrat and I know mostly what that party stands for. I know I should know more, but I really just don't and sometimes in the midst of the hype I don't care. It all get's really confusing at times for me anyway.

For the most part I am neither Republican nor Democrat and just want someone who is going to lead our country with integrity. I have said, since about this time last year, that for me, individual plans and platforms don't mean as much as the person's character and how they relate to, work with, and interact with those they lead and those they work with. I believe a person with character will accomplish more than any individual with best foreign plan human minds can think of.

If we as individuals would just step up and do the things that we know are right and "encourage" (not preach at) other people about the right things, a lot more could be accomplished. Laws never change anyone's heart. I think we learned that from the Old Testament. What would happen if we put the energy that is used in picket lines, boy cots, and petitions into relationship building, conversation, and simply helping those who we are trying to control with these laws. In order for change to happen, real lasting change, it has to take place in the heart of the people. Only Christ can do that. We have a responsibility to be his heart, hands, feet, and voice.

I read something today from Cameron Strang the editor of Relevant Magazine that sort of resonates with me and made me say.."RIGHT ON"

Here are a few excerpts.

"Many Christians traditionally have voted Republican because of their justifiable conviction to protect the lives of the unborn. Now, many younger Christians are Democrat because of their justifiable desire to see our nation, the most prosperous in the world, address issues of poverty, global aid, and the environment.

The problem is, many Christians vote these convictions, but that's largely where their personal involvement in the issues stops. Are the government leaders we vote for meant to do our job for us?

If God has given you a heart for the poor, or to see a reduction in the number of abortions, or to promote peace, or to help the sick, or to stand for strong moral values, or to be a better steward of the environment, then your personal focus needs to be on that - whether or not the President shares your same values.


Many Christians want to overturn Roe v. Wade, but I don't hear nearly as many leading the charge on a national adoption movement. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, where are all of those babies going to end up. Christians should be focused on personal action regardless of legislation, no just waiting for the right number of Supreme Court justices to come along.
We need to pray for our leaders and our country, but always remember that our leaders and country do not define us . We are the generation that will shape the direction of culture, government and social action will take in the next 50 years. It's not up to Washington it's up to us - and I say it's time we step up and lead the charge.

But that means with our lives, our finances and our actions every day. Not just Nov. 4th.

So here is a question to you. What are you most passionate about in this election (not who)? Are you doing your part locally or globally to see that change take place?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is awesome...I loved reading it. You are doing a lot to inspire the people that you lead!

mad kudos to you. :)