Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bittersweet Reunion and other stuff

On May 18th Jennifer's grandfather, Rev. Earl Thomas, passed away and made his way to eternity. Yesterday, exactly 3 months, we remembered her grandmother, Jewel Thomas, as she joined him. Only 3 months separate the two departures. Way too soon for those of us they have left behind. But after 62 years of marriage I know it was way too long for them to be apart. I know for myself, when Jennifer and I reach that age, and even now, I don't want to spend that much time knowing I will never be able to hold her hand as long as I breath the air of this earth.

I have been fortunate enough to know her grandparents since I was 16 when Jennifer and I started dating. I was there for every Christmas except two, while we were broke up, and from the very beginning I was welcomed as part of the family. I am thankful to have been apart of such a loving and God fearing family. And as I said in a recent post, I am very thankful that my Ella will have them as part of her foundation. It's funny how things like this put life into perspective. One of granny Thomas' sister-in -laws squeezed my neck as we were leaving and she asked " Please don't forget about us, we're old now, you come and see us sometimes." And I thought about how many times I have heard this from various seniors in my life.

My great grandmother's last words every time I left her house were "Don't be gone so long next time."

My dad's mom always says "You don't just have to come on holidays, come see us anytime."

My mom's mom tells me "You better come see your mamaw or I'm gonna whoop you.".

My great uncle was in a couple of years ago after the passing of his wife; he has since moved to Missouri and is unable to travel as long. That was probably the last time I will ever see him. While at my grandmother's during his visit, I spent most of the time on her computer. The reality of his visit didn't settle in until some weeks later.

My great grandmother's last words haunt me on occasion because they were the last words that she spoke to me the last time I left her house. A week later she unexpectantly went into the hospital and into eternity that night. I often regret staying gone too long. I miss her a lot now.

I was talking with a middle aged visitor at the funeral home about how busy peoples are these days and no one just visits. He lives in Savannah and his mother in Adamsville. He talks to her almost every day, but only sees her every couple of weeks. We agreed, whether for good or bad, that people's lives are just too busy these days and fast paced. We have all these things to give us more "free time" just so we can fill it with other stuff, instead of spending that time with those who REALLY don't have as much time. Every time I want to change this, I'll do o.k. for a while, but then I get sucked into the whirlwind of modern times and schedules. We all should do better about spending more time with who really don't have much time.

Call someone you haven't talked to in a while or better yet go by and see them before the end of the week.

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

You made me cry... i love you bubba! and am so proud of you.