Tuesday, July 01, 2008

This is my summer ....PART 1

It's been almost a month since my last post if you can even call that a post. Man my summer is ridiculously crazy right now. This is by far the busiest summer since 2005...that was only 3 years ago...but it seems like forever.

Sorta of a rundown on what was and what is and is to come...

Vacation Bible School - POWER LAB
It was an amazing week where my teenagers played an amazing role in reaching the children of our community. They were responsible for hanging and mentoring their groups of kids each night. Our Highest attended night brought in 176 kids. The highest since I have been helping with VBS over the last 6 years. It is a week of extremeemly hard work and lots of hours but it is a time when we see changes in the lives of children and their family. Every year we have families join our church as a direct result of the prayer and work that goes into our Vacation Bible School. The children are filled with God's love and power and become missionaries in there home. See the picture recap if you want.

then we had a week off with life as usual

Mission's Trip - WEEK OF HOPE 2008
This was the third service oriented mission trip that I have went on with our teenagers. This year we went to Cincinnati, OH. The theme for the week; Live Out Loud. Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. (1st John 3:18). Our teens did everything from shovel manure, mulch, and gravel at local parks; work with disabled kids at a day camp; work with kids at Boys and Girls clubs; work with seniors citizens at a day camp; pack relief boxes for missionary organizations and 3rd world countries; stock local food pantries; and aided a local church in need of volunteer help. Within our 4 work days the 98 people who attended the camp completed the work that would take 1 person 3 months to do if they worked 24 hours a day straight through. Amazing! Here's some shots of that week..

Soooo.... I have this week off. On Sunday we leave for Youth America in Oklahoma City for a week. Upon our return from Oklahoma.........I'm going to Florida on Vacation...OHHHH YEA...

BUT at the end of the summer, I will have driven 2861 miles the span of 3 weeks.


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