Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Light up the Darkness

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to speak in our mains service in the absence of Pastor Rob. My message was simply me talking some stuff out that I have been thinking for some time. (see More than Good post).

I simply spoke from Matthew 5 on Christ's call for us to be a light for all people. To sort of build on the point I showed a clip from I am Legend. In the clip Will Smith is referencing Bob Marley and his belief that if you could inject into the lives of people love and music you could end racism and hate. Smith goes on to tell the story of when Marley is shot down before a peace rally. See Clip Below.

That clip is very powerful when you take the last four words in caparison with our call to be light!

In Africa, in the dark of night, mosquitoes carrying malaria take the lives of 1 million people a year, with the children being most infected. In fact every 30 seconds a child dies from malaria. During our 1 and half hour service 180 children would have lost their lives to the disease. I ended the service with a challenge to partner with Compassion International and their BiteBack campaign. In the Campaign they have made it possible for $10 to provide for oner person, an insecticide treated mosquito net, malaria treatment and education. A simple $10 donation will help in preventing ONE person from catching Malaria. So I took up an offering challenging our church family to not eat out for lunch after service, but to give that money to save a life.


We were able to raise enough money to purchase 187 nets. So instead of us sitting in service while 180 children died in Africa, we saved the lives of 187. How awesome is that! One small way to Light up the Darkness. In what ways can you Light up the Darkness?

Ask God to open your eyes to Darkness in your family, school, work, community, or even other parts of the world. Take the opportunity however large, small,simple or difficult and let your line shine...so that our Father in Heaven will be praised through and for our good deeds.

Watch the BiteBack video...maybe you could Bite Back too...

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