Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Gnarls Barkley "Surprise"

Bought the new Gnarls Barkley CD last week. Usually the more I listen to something the more I catch on to the lyrics. This CD has some super bright spots (minus a couple 4 lettered lyrics) with a deeper meaning than meets the "ears".

Surprise is the song that I have on repeat right now and the next to last verse goes like this...

Somebody's watchin; maybe you want 'em to see you
But with your regrets and se-crets you don't really want them to be you
Well you can make believe I'm blind
And for now I'll be just fine
But when the child grows up to have more than just your eyes
Don't be surprised

If you are a parent you should really think as to how you are raising your children. Do you sometimes take the "do as I say but not as I do" approach. People often times listen to our actions more than our words...especially children. I find myself watching every action I take and words that I speak now more than ever, as Ella is heavily mimicking my every move. Because I want Ella to have more than just my physical features. I want her to be able to inherit my values and beliefs because she them as important too, not just because I say so.

But really as followers of Christ should we not be doing this anyway? We are to live in a way that mimics Christ, so that as others mimic us they too are mimicking Christ. Because we are respsonsible for helping our less mature in Christ friends grow. And if we are their living example then we should lead them well.

In whatever you do "Don't be surprised"

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