Thursday, March 06, 2008

More than Good

The words below are something I have been reading a lot lately. It is from one of the daily devotionals that I use with our small groups from YouthWalk. It is a really good statement that has stirred a lot within me lately...and I thought I'd just share it.

"Following Jesus isn't just about being Good. A heart on mission knows the journey is about being more than Good. When you have a passion for something no one has to remind you to do it. When you understand God's love and His good heart, and that the ways of His kingdom bring life; obedience is a natural outcome. You don't follow God's word because your parents said to or because that's what the church taught you. You don't become a rule become a flame that can't be quenched."

I'm at a point these days where I'm tired of just going to church and doing church. What about being the church? Not another organization...but the church as the living body of Christ. Being a Follower of Christ is about more than just being good and protecting ourselves from the "evil world." We sit in our nice buildings (which I'm thankful for) and go through our services becoming spiritually obese when there are folks who are spiritually and physically starving and broken outside the church.

I want to do more...but really I don't even know where to start. Most of what I've ever seen, heard, or learned as a Christ follower is "go to church, read your bible, pray, don't watch R rated movies, and don't vote for people who are for gay marriage or abortion." But I know there's more than that...I just need help doing it. The funny thing is I've been talking to my teens that there's more to being a Christian than "getting saved and staying safe." But I really feel like I don't live that...I just feel like I don't know where to start. I want to be mobilized and I want to get others mobilized in doing the work of Christ - Healing, feeding, comforting, encouraging, breaking barriers, and changing the world by sharing His message through our story.

ARGHHH the frustration....

"God show up, show me the way, show me what to do, I'm tired of the frustration, just thinking and talking about it...PLEASE use this discontent for your work and your will. Stretch me, pull me whatever it takes."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful enlightenment:
Hard to put into words too, and yet
no way to truly, explain it to
anyone else, because it gets miscommunicated to those that are not there. Relax, and rest in the
comfort that you have been chosen
by an Almighty God to reveal His Heart to you, In the meantime..
give this burden up to Him and He will show you the way. Beside who
created the swelling of discontentment in your heart and being. Be still...
and know I AM GOD..
If we are too busy about what
we think is HIS work, we will
miss HIS soft wispers of direction
Its not what we do for HIM but what we allow HIM to do through us.
Praises to Our HOLY FATHER
A sister in CHRIT