Friday, March 09, 2007

UP Late tonight

The past couple have days have been strange to say the least. I have just been in some strange mood. Today I found a new singer/songwriter that I really like. Milow ...his words and music blend in a way that I haven't heard in a while. I have listened to the same song for about the last hour in a sort of contemplative/melancholy mood. I've spent the last couple of hours just scanning through pictures of the last couple of years. It's amazing how 2 years can be condensed into about an hour.

Earlier tonight I played with Ella..I wish I could capture every speeding second in a snapshot so that I will never forget a single moment. Every blink, every smile, wrinkle of the nose, every meeting of our eyes, ever noise she makes, so that I never forget.

It scares me to know that she will one day not be the innocent little girl that she is now. Being a youth pastor I see the best and worst in the lives of teenagers, and seeing the path that some of "our girls" have chosen breaks my heart. If they only knew. It scares me to know that that Ella will one day make a choice which path she walks down. I pray she chooses the right one.

God thank you for the gift and responsibility you have given me. Help me to be the father that my daughter needs. Help me guide her in love, grace, and wisdom, not in fear, worry, or force. Father watch over her night and day, protect from harm, and shower her with your love.~Amen

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