Friday, August 18, 2006

Too Young....

Why does it take this?
Yesterday I spoke at my 2nd funeral. My 1st was my great grandmother’s back in January and then yesterday a young man’s who had been an attender of my youth group. My grandmother’s funeral, whom I loved very, very much, was easier than the memorial I was apart of yesterday. When someone is 93 there are very few questions to be asked, they have lived a long and fruitful life. But when someone is only 18 years young, the questions are innumerable. Why now? Why so young? What went wrong? How could this happen? To be honest there is not one single statement that I can give that will answer these questions. The emotion and pain on the faces of those there made that reality much harder for me.

This is the 3rd young man to be killed in an accident in as many weeks, two of which were in the same circle of friends and two weeks apart. During this time it is always important to mourn and remember when, BUT I hope that during this time that the young people, the family, and friends (including myself) who were closest to these young men will come to realize that we are NEVER promised a tomorrow on this earth. (Our life is like a mist~ James) Once we move past the time of mourning; there needs to be a time of reflection in our own lives and hearts; questions need to be asked about our life.

Who have we spent and not spent time with? Who have we not let know that we love them? What have we not done that we should and need to do? What conversations have we not had? Is our heart right with our Creator?

The sad reality in this is that it takes an event of this proportion to initiate a change. And sadder still is that some will only make temporary change, while others will walk out of this with no change at all.

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