Monday, April 07, 2014

Empty Bookshelf #5 : I Was Broke Now I'm Not

Title: I was Broke Now I'm Not

Author: Joseph Sangl

What It's About: Joseph is literally your "Average Joe" who got tired of getting in debt, getting out of debt, getting in debt, and getting out of debt again. This is Jo's story and advice of how he was able to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and is now helping others do the same.

Why Did I Read It: Realisticaly... we were hosting a video driven workshop by Jo that coencided with the book and I read it just to be able to better facilitate the workshops.

Favorite Idea:  The main premise of the book is that most people need a motivator to be able to get debt free and manage their money. Our dreams should be our motivator, because it takes money to fund those dreams. He encourages the reader to take control of their finances so that they can accomplish their dreams. So many people miss out on their dreams because they are unable to fund them, and they live with regrets.

Favorite Quote: He recommends getting a new insurance " quote" ever 2-3 years. (Pun intended) I have never considered doing that, and have pretty much been with the same company since I started driving. To be honest I don't know if I could  switch companies....well....because I don't have the 'cleanest' driving record. (Don't judge me...)

Opinion:There is not a lot of new information out there on getting out of debt. There are NO over night tricks or gimmicks. It boils down to having a plan and then staying committed to the plan.  This book wasn't unlike anything else I've read from Dave Ramsey or any other financial guru. It was a good quick read and good reminder.  HOWEVER the "wildly popular website"  IwasbrokeNowI' is FULL of useful tools and articles tha are worth checking out. The budget spreadsheet is one of the best I've ever seen and definitely the easiest I've seen to follow.  I use it now.

...Didn't take a picture of my bookshelf...again because I've already given this one away....having a hard time getting my bookshelf full.

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